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Using the Posts & Planning Overview

Learn how to correctly manage your scheduled posts using the Post & Planning overview.

Stefan Kapteijns avatar
Written by Stefan Kapteijns
Updated over a week ago

In the Post & Planning overview, you’ll find all the information about your scheduled and published posts with Apostle. Manage or check the status of your scheduled posts in the List View of the Post & Planning overview.

Analyze the data presented in the columns

  • Subject: the Subject and thumbnail of all your scheduled and published posts. A Draft post will be marked in the subject line by (Draft): Subject.

  • Variants: the amount of Variants each post contains.

  • Start: the Start date of your posts. A post's start date indicates when a brand ambassador could receive a notification of the suggested post.

Please note: If you have scheduled a post for business pages with the Auto Approve toggle activated, the post will be automatically published starting from the specified Start date onwards.

  • End: the End date of your posts. The end date signifies that the post will no longer be suggested to your brand ambassadors after this specified date.

  • Status: The Status column shows if your posts are Upcoming, Active, or Ended. This way, you could easily manage which posts could still be posted by your team of brand ambassadors.

Tip: filter your posts on Status to get an overview of all your Upcoming, Active, or Ended posts.

  • Approval: the status of the suggested posts that require approval from one of your colleagues. Your post could be Accepted, Rejected, or still be Pending. In the latter, your colleague hasn’t approved or disapproved of the post yet.

  • Shared (Amount): the total shares on personal and business pages compared to the suggested posts regarding a specific subject.

  • Ambassador Shares: the total shares on personal pages compared to the suggested posts regarding a specific subject.

  • Page Shares: the total shares on business pages compared to the suggested posts regarding a specific subject.

  • Suggested for: the business pages and/or brand ambassadors to whom the posts are presented.

  • Topics: the related Topics to the post.

Use the buttons in the Actions column

  • Duplicate : Duplicate, edit, and schedule your post.

  • Edit : Edit a post you’ve already scheduled.

  • Details : See the Details of a post. More about the detailed view in the next section.

  • Delete : Delete a post you’ve already scheduled.

Get in-depth results for each scheduled post individually

  • Click on the subject line or Details icon to see the in-depth results for each scheduled post individually.

  • In the detailed view, you can see:

    • A preview of the post

    • The ambassadors and business pages that got the post suggested and/or shared it. Switch between the two in the top right corner.

    • The state of approval (Accepted, Pending, or Rejected).

    • The date the post was suggested to your brand ambassadors and the share date.

  • The buttons in the Actions column allow you to send a Reminder if posts aren’t shared yet or Delete a suggested post for one of your brand ambassadors.

  • With the Resend selected suggestions button, you could send reminders to multiple brand ambassadors simultaneously. First select all the ambassadors and then click the button.

Filter your List View on topics

  • Click the Filter button to choose the topics you wish to use for subject filtering.

  • Click on the Reset button to reset the filters.

Export the Post & Planning overview

  • Click the Download button to export an Excel file containing your Post & Planning data.

Set settings of the List View

  • With the Settings in your List View, you decide which columns discussed above are shown in your Post & Planning overview.

Please note: in the default settings, your variants per post are not selected. When selecting Variants, the results in your columns will be specified for each post variant.

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