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Creating your content strategy

Learn how to set up your content strategy in the Apostle platform. 

Stefan Kapteijns avatar
Written by Stefan Kapteijns
Updated over a month ago

When you've created a content strategy, it’s time to implement it in Apostle.

  • Go to Strategy in the left sidebar.

  • Create a Topic.

  • Fill in the name of your Topic, for example, Innovation.

  • Select the number of posts you want to share each month about this topic.

  • Select a color for your topic.

  • Choose a parent topic (if necessary). For example, your parent topic could be Recruitment and your topic could be Vacancy.

  • Click Save and your topic is created.

Tip: Your content strategy is automatically transferred to your content planning. So, if you've only posted 2 times about Innovation that month, there will be an open spot for a third post in your content planning. This is to make sure you stick to your content strategy.

Good to know: You first have to create a topic, before you can choose a parent topic. First, create the topic Recruitment, and afterward create the topic Vacancy. Then choose Recruitment as your parent topic.

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