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Understanding the Insights and Analyzing Your Team's Activity
Understanding the Insights and Analyzing Your Team's Activity

Learn all about the most important metrics within Apostle and create useful reports.

Mick van Teeffelen avatar
Written by Mick van Teeffelen
Updated over a week ago

The Insights are crucial for analyzing your team’s activity and evaluating your brand ambassador program. In Apostle, we offer various ways of analyzing your posts, individual insights, and growth opportunities. This article will explain everything in more detail.

Using the Filters

You can filter your Insights on multiple levels:

  • Time and date: Use the calendar or our presets to filter your Insights in a specific time range.

  • Groups: Filter your insights on specific groups of brand ambassadors.

  • Topic: Filter your posts based on the linked content strategy topics.

Important: Every filter will use the post as its foundation. This means that a Topic filter will only show the posts linked to a specific topic. It will not include topics linked to specific brand ambassadors.

Tip: You can use the and/or filtering for groups and topics to get even more detailed insights. Use the Settings icon to deselect any information you don’t want to see in your table.

Team Insights

You will find an overview of your team activity in Apostle in the first table: team insights. When clicking on expand all items, you will find detailed line graphs on all your team insights in the chosen time range.

  • Users: The total number of users (masters and ambassadors) signed up in the Apostle platform.

  • Pages: The total number of business pages connected to Apostle.

  • Inputs: The total number of work-related photos, videos, and texts your brand ambassadors upload.

  • Posts/Shares: Your team's total number of created posts and total post shares.

  • Team activity ratio: The activity ratio of your team shows your activity compared to other teams using Apostle.

Platform Insights

The platform insights show the performance of your posts in terms of reach and engagement. Click on Expand all items to find detailed line graphs of your platform insights in the chosen time range.

  • Estimated reach: This estimates the total reach of all shared posts. This is calculated by a simple formula (amount of shared posts x 750 (average number of connections people have on social media)). Due to technical limitations of LinkedIn and Meta, we cannot report the exact number of people reached.

  • Link Clicks: The total amount of link clicks on shared posts by your team members.

Please note: links are only tracked when using our link shortener.

  • Likes: The total number of likes on business page posts.

  • Comments: The total number of comments on business page posts.

  • Reposts: The total number of reposts of business page posts.

Please note: Tracking personal social media posts is challenging due to privacy concerns and limitations. Therefore, Apostle only shares personal engagement statistics for LinkedIn, and not for any other connected platform. Business page statistics are available for all platforms.

Individual Statistics

The individual statistics show the performance of the personal posts of the brand ambassadors, business pages, groups, topics, and links individually. You can switch between these statistics in the top right corner with the different tabs.

  • Ambassador: This shows the performance of the personal posts that your brand ambassadors have posted.

  • Pages: Get a detailed overview of the post suggestions, post shares, posts rejected, the share ratio, and the engagement (clicks, likes, comments, and reposts) per business page.

  • Groups: These statistics show the performance per group you’ve added to your team. Next to the standard statistics, it also shows the number of users and business pages in the groups.

  • Topics: These statistics show the performance per topic you added in Strategy as part of your content strategy.

  • Links: This tab shows the statistics of the links you’ve shortened using our built-in link shortener. It shows the short URL, the original URL, the clicks on that link, the number of users who shared the link, and the number of posts containing it.

Please note: we can only track links that have been shortened with our built-in link shortener.


You will find your overall team performance within Apostle in the performance overview, clearly presented in the graphs and allowing for a straightforward interpretation. The Performance includes your team activity, platform, topic and group distribution, and website traffic compared to posts shared with Apostle.

Please note: By clicking on Platform distribution, you can switch between platform, topic, and group distribution.

  • Activity: the activity graph shows the total amount of inputs, suggestions, shares, and rejected personal and business posts in the chosen date range. This graph is customizable to your preferences. You can switch between a bar graph and a line graph and set the interval you want on the x-axis. On default, the option Optimized is selected. Based on your chosen time range, the x-axis will have the interval that makes the graph the best readable.

Tip: To ensure the graph is analyzable, we advise picking an x-axis interval that makes sense for the time range provided (e.g., don’t pick hourly if the time range is the last six months). We advise you to use the default optimized option.

  • Platform distribution: This chart shows the distribution of all shared personal and business page posts per platform.

  • Topic distribution: This chart displays the topic distribution of all shared personal and business page posts. Get insight into the most popular topics your brand ambassadors like to share about.

  • Group distribution: This chart reveals the distribution of posts per group of brand ambassadors. Find out which groups are your most active brand ambassadors.

  • Apostle VS. Website Traffic: This chart shows the estimated reach realized through Apostle compared to your website traffic. It reveals the effect on your website traffic when posting through Apostle with brand ambassadors. You can identiy a positive correlation in the graph if you share work-related posts and links to your website. Connect your Google Analytics account and discover the impact of your employee advocacy program.

    If you need help connecting your Google Analytics to Apostle, please refer to this article.

Posts Insights

The last table of the Insights shows an overview of your post performance. It changes based on your filtering options for both time and groups/topics settings. Additionally, it shows important information about your posts:

  • Name: The subject of your suggested post.

  • Status: We distinguish three types of status in the post insights. A green status indicates that a post is still being suggested to your team. A light grey status demonstrates that it is a draft post. A dark grey status means that the time range of the post has expired in which ambassadors could post.

  • Variants: The amount of variations created for this post.

  • Suggestions: The number of posts suggested by your admin to your team.

  • Shares (Unique): The number of unique shares by your team members. Shares to multiple platforms are shown as one unique share here.

  • Shares (Total): The total share amount, including shares to multiple platforms.

  • Shares (Ratio): Shows the percentage of the number of shares compared to the total suggestions. Please note: This percentage can exceed 100% if brand ambassadors share the post on multiple personal pages (LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram).

  • Ambassador shares: The total amount of shares on personal pages.

  • Page shares: The total amount of shares on business pages.

Using the Post Drilldown

You can access more detailed information by clicking on one of the posts in your post overview. A new screen will be opened with additional information about who shared the post, the variant performance, and engagement stats. Analyze the post based on the following KPIs:

  • Variant performance: Navigate to the left top and select a specific variant to analyze variant performance. Use the All Variations tab to get insights on all the variants combined.

  • Platform distribution: The platform distribution is a pie chart that indicates the amount of shares per platform.

  • Detailed Insights: The insights show more detailed information with share rates, share numbers, and engagement.

Archived Users and Posts in the Insights

  • Archived users: Data related to archived users will be visible up until the date they were archived. After this date, no further data associated with the user will appear in insights or reports.

  • Archived posts: Once a post is archived, it is immediately excluded from all Insights, regardless of whether it was shared or interacted with prior to archiving. All engagement data (shares, likes, comments) related to archived posts will no longer be displayed in reports or analytics.

Learn how to archive, restore and permanently delete users, posts & inputs in this article.

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